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About Us
"To carry out education, promotion, and extension of the art and science of viticulture and eonology in North Dakota and surrounding areas including any and all agricultural, horticultural, and related purposes connected therewith.”

Servicing a Growing Industry
The North Dakota Grape Growers Association was established in 2006 to promote viticulture in the state. To reflect the needs of the growing membership and recognizing that the grape industry can only grow in cooperation with the wine industry, the name was changed in 2012 to the North Dakota Grape and Wine Association. Today, the NDGWA serves commercial and amateur fruit and grape growers and winemakers across North Dakota and nearby states.
2024-2025 Officers
President: Kevin Kinzel, Dickinson, ND
Vice-President: Mark Lunde, Cooperstown, ND
Secretary: Allison Krieger, Galesburg, ND
Treasurer: Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, Fargo, ND
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Aaron Opdahl, Fessenden, ND
Rodney Hogen, Fargo, ND
Brent Trela, Fargo, ND
Steve Sagaser, Grand Forks, ND
Haley Moen, Oakes ND
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